Some chafing from the HT ring, wore a custom leather pad at the top to ease the pressure at the pubic bone which seems to cause lasting irritation with this restraint. Pad was removed for early morning bed check.

Routine bodily functions are more problematic with this device, and it’s necessary to wear some sort of drip catcher much of the time as much tends to dribble out after bathroom visits. But it doesn’t require as much support as a metal cage, and it’s exciting to wear my lover’s pet tag at the top of the restraint and the key on her adored person.

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Current StatusIn Progress
Chastity Restraint In UseHoly Trainer
CV Session Length2 days 17 hrs
CV EngagementMon 3/1 1500
CV ExpiryThu 3/4 0800
Last Approved Release2/7 2030
Unauthorized Os Since2
Days Since Last O5
Swats Due11
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