This is the story of Oscar, an average male organ attached to a Scorpio that got into a lot of trouble and still obsesses on doing his happy dance of joy as often as possible and leaving others to clean up after him. He’s been in places he had no business being and caused life changing mistakes, so his days and nights of rampant independence without consequence are over. His primary handler has assumed the responsibility for his maintenance and care, reporting to the Warden whenever She chooses to randomly check that the prisoner is secure and not out wreaking havoc, in person or via this tool at any time. His remaining conjugal visits and weekend passes are strictly according to Her management. These posts are to consistently track security and chain of custody during changeovers with a time and GPS stamp matching the ChronoVault-reported engagement times and providing for Her administrative choices concerning any activity when that time elapses, or decisions concerning adjustment or override of that timer.

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